Zadar – Pula

Train from Zadar to Pula is one way of travelling between these two cities, although the least convenient one. There are no direct trains on this route and all departures require more than one train change. The route is operated by Hrvatske Željeznice

IMPORTANT: If you decide to travel from Zadar to Pula by train, have in mind that some parts of the route are operated by bus instead of train. Although it may look like there is a railway connecting these two cities, there are no trains operating the entire route

Obviously, this route makes no sense to travel by train, therefore consider taking a bus from Zadar to Pula as a much more convenient option. There are up to 5 daily departures with tickets starting from €26. The journey takes around 7 hours.

However, if you’re still interested in travelling from Zadar to Pula by train, it is possible to travel the route by using the train as much as possible. But this is mostly just in theory, here is why.

Zadar is connected to Pula only via Rijeka. There is usually one train departure daily which requires two changes, one in Knin and the other in Oštarije. However, the first part of the route, from Zadar to Knin is operated by bus.

NOTE: The waiting time for a train change in Oštarije is more than 20 hours, meaning that the same train continues the next day. 

From Rijeka, you can continue to Pula by train, but buses are inevitable once again. The part of the route from Rijeka to Lupoglav is operated by bus, then you change to a train to Pula. 

The waiting time for the train is a little less than an hour. Accordingly, the entire journey takes more than 30 hours, which makes no sense. 


The price of a regular one-way ticket from Zadar to Rijeka is around 210 HRK (~ €27). The ticket from Rijeka to Pula costs around 65 HRK (~ €8.5).

Children between the age of 6 and 12, students and seniors have a 50% discount while youth between the age of 12 and 26 have a 30% discount.

For all other discounts and benefits check Train Croatia Discounts.

Other popular routes from Pula

Pula – Zagreb

Pula – Rijeka

Pula – Ljubljana

Good to know

  • I have a heavy suitcase, can a taxi drop me to the train station in Zadar?
    The bus departs from the main bus station in Zadar instead of the train station. The bus station is well connected by public transport and is accessible for taxis.
  • Where do I board the train in Zadar?
    As stated above, buses operate the first part of the route, so all passengers need to board at the main bus station in Zadar.
  • Where do I get off the train in Pula?
    There are more train stations in Pula but the main one is located about a kilometre from Pula Arena.  
  • Is there a car train from Zadar to Pula?
    No, there are no car trains from Zadar to Pula as passengers have to change to a bus at Knin station.
  • Is there a luggage service at Zadar/Pula train station?
    Since Zadar train station is not used, you can leave your luggage at the main bus station for 3 HRK/hour if the luggage is up to 15 kg and 10 HRK/hour if it’s more than 15 kg. Luggage storage in Pula is located within the bus station building at the address Trg 1. istarske brigade 1. Working hours of the luggage storage are from 00:00 to 24:00 (24/7) and the price is 1,30 HRK/hour/piece.

For more information regarding trains in Croatia read our Train Croatia FAQ.